Guest Star: Colin Hanlon

You are viewing a list of Colin Hanlon's 2 appearances on Modern Family.

  • Modern Family

    The Wedding (Part 2)
    Season 5, Episode 24 - Aired May 21 2014

    The wedding day chaos continues as the entire party shifts from one contingency plan to another. Guests start to get testy, Mitchell and Cameron are feeling discouraged and poor Claire shows physical wear and tear, but an unexpected turn of events leads to the ceremony we've all been waiting for.

    Appeared as Steven

  • Modern Family

    Spanks for the Memories
    Season 9, Episode 15 - Aired March 7 2018

    When Jay overhears Gloria on the phone talking about spanking, he assumes she is frustrated in the bedroom. When he attempts to light the spark again by giving her exactly what she wants, he realizes he might have made a mistake. Meanwhile, now that Mitchell has an amazing new job, he and Cam throw a party to rub it in Cam's friends' faces so they can no longer give him "the look of pity".

    Appeared as Steven

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