You are viewing a list of Joseph Bonilla's 2 appearances on Modern Family.
Aunt Mommy
Season 3, Episode 15 - Aired February 15 2012
After closing on the sale of a house to Mitch and Cam's friends, Phil and Claire take the two of them out for a celebratory dinner where they proceed to over-indulge in drinks, which leads to some over-sharing, and finally results in waking up the next morning hung over and begging the question - if you'll do anything for family, shouldn't there still be a line drawn somewhere?
Appeared as Leon
Planes, Train and Cars
Season 3, Episode 21 - Aired May 2 2012
The Dunphys are in the market for a new car and Phil makes a spontaneous purchase without Claire. Will he have buyer's remorse? Meanwhile, Jay is determined to get to his high school reunion with Gloria and Manny in tow, and Lily loses her favorite stuffed animal on a public metro train, leaving Mitch and Cam with an inconsolable toddler.
Appeared as Leon